
3 Types of Education: Formal, Informal, and Non-formal

Education is a gradual process that results in positive changes in human life and conduct. Hence, it may alternatively be defined as “a process of acquiring knowledge through study or imparting the knowledge by way of instructions or some other practical procedure”. There are three types of education.

Types of education


There are some advantages of education. For example, it causes a natural and long-lasting shift in an individual’s reasoning and ability to reach the desired outcome. It enables us to assess our thoughts and feelings and prepares them for expression in a variety of ways. Furthermore, education is one of the only variables that allows us to discriminate between what is good and what is evil.

Simply put, education is the key to progress and success. Through education, we can easily reach our destination because it provides us with the necessary knowledge and skills. In this manner, education resembles a medium through which we can interact with diverse people and share our ideas.

To solve problems and be creative, we must first become proficient in a few key skills. We require knowledge and the ability to become more imaginative. There are three types of education.

Types of education

Education also entails assisting people in learning how to perform things and encouraging them to reflect on what they learn. It is equally critical for educators to teach students how to find and use information. It transmits knowledge of society, country, and the world from generation to generation.

Hence, education is designed to teach children and adults how to be engaged and productive citizens in democracies. In particular, education aids and leads students as they progress from one class to the next. Individuals, societies, and countries that have been empowered by education have an advantage over those that are at the bottom of the growth pyramid. The three types of education are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Formal education

Formal education is one of the three types of education. It refers to the fundamental academic knowledge that a youngster acquires in a formal setting. This is often referred to as formal learning, and it usually occurs on school grounds. The system of education prevails in primary, secondary, and college levels. These specially trained teachers, who are skilled in the art of instruction, offer this type of education.

Both the learner and the teacher are aware of the facts and are engaged in an educational process. This educational process includes classroom learning, institute grading and certification, or organized instruction of several disciplines with an appropriate syllabus acquired by visiting an institution.

Similarly, formal education, or formal learning, typically takes place on school grounds, where students might obtain fundamental, intellectual, or trade skills. Similarly, higher education degrees are obtained at the college or university level by following specific rules and regulations.

Formal education is provided by properly trained instructors who are expected to be skilled in the art of instructing. It also maintains strong discipline. Both the student and the teacher are aware of the facts and actively participate in the educational process. Formal education has some distinct characteristics.

Formal Education

Characteristics of formal education

Formal education has the following characteristics:

  • This type of education has a specific delivery structure
  • Its demand is highly skilled specialists
  • It is subject-specific and time-bound.
  • Formal education is organized hierarchically.
  • It is deliberate and planned.
  • The fees are paid to the institutions regularly.
  • Formal education is graded in chronological order.
  • It is subject-oriented and follows a syllabus.
  • The syllabus must be completed within a particular time frame.
  • The teachers instruct the child.

In addition to its characteristics, there are certain advantages to formal education.

Advantages of formal education:

  • It is ordered and scheduled
  • Formal education occurs in a step-by-step, methodical manner
  • It is the most basic knowledge that every individual must gain to learn many other things
  • A well-organized teaching paradigm with up-to-date course materials
  • Students learn from qualified and experienced teachers.
  • Learning method that is structured and systematic.
  • Intermediate and final examinations are provided to guarantee that pupils progress to the next learning level.
  • Institutions are both administratively and physically organized.
  • This results in a formally recognized certificate.
  • Jobs are easily accessible.

Disadvantages of formal education:

  • Brilliant students can become bored due to the length of academic sessions.
  • Exams and grades can cause tension and anxiety at times.
  • The presence of both good and bad pupils in the classroom may increase the likelihood of harmful habits being adopted.
  • Wastage of time because some lazy students may fail to learn adequately despite skilled trainers’ motivation.
  • Some unprofessional and non-standard education systems may waste students’ time and money, leading to dissatisfaction with formal education and convincing them to pursue non-formal education.
  • In comparison to other forms of learning, schooling is expensive and inflexible.

Informal Education

This is also one of the major types of education. Informal education is when you do not attend school and do not employ a specific learning approach. Conscious efforts are not required in this form of instruction. It is neither planned nor intentional. It can be learned in a market, a hotel, or at home. In informal education, the parents may play their roles as teachers and teach some skills to their children, such as driving a car at home.

People can also obtain informal education by reading books or visiting educational websites. This is education that is not obtained through a proper learning process in schools. This education is not obtained through deliberate effort. Informal education is not delivered on a set schedule. There is no prescribed curriculum. Informal education is made up of experiences and living in the family or community.

Informal education

Informal Education Examples 

  • Some of the examples of informal education are discussed below.
  • Teach the youngster fundamental skills such as numeric characters.
  • Someone who is studying his or her mother tongue
  • A spontaneous sort of learning occurs “when a person standing in a bank learns about opening and maintaining a bank account from someone.”

Characteristics of informal education:

  1. It is an individual kind of study with no clear syllabus
  2. It is not preplanned and does not have a suitable timetable
  3. There are no costs because we receive informal education through daily experience and learning new things.
  4. It is a learned skill acquired through practice. It is not always necessary to pay a charge.
  5. It is a normal, life-long process.
  6. There are no diplomas or degrees involved, and there is no pressure to learn new topics.
  7. You can obtain it from any source, including media, life experiences, friends, and family.

Informal education has the following advantages:

  1. It requires constant practice and polishing.
  2. Formal education employs a range of methodologies and has no time limit.
  3. It is more of a natural learning process because you can learn from your daily experiences anywhere and at any time.
  4. It entails actions such as conducting individual and personal studies on a topic of interest for themselves using books, libraries, social media, the internet, or obtaining support from informal trainers.
  5. This type of education enables us to use certain strategies.
  6. There is no time constraint in this type of education.
  7. Getting an education is not expensive and may take less time to acquire it.
  8. Hiring specialists is not necessary, as the professionals share their knowledge through social media and the internet.
  9. Learners can obtain the necessary information from books, television, radio, or conversations.

Informal education has the following disadvantages:

  1. It does not adhere to a set timetable or time frame.
  2. There is a lack of discipline and attitude among the students.
  3. The outcomes are exceedingly uncertain.
  4. Disinformation may result from information obtained through the internet, social media, television, radio, or talking with friends or family members.
  5. The techniques used may not be appropriate.
  6. Lack of trust in the learner
  7. Discipline, attitude, and excellent habits are lacking.

Non-formal education

This type of learning can take several forms that are offered regularly and systematically to develop a specific skill or aptitude in an individual. Furthermore, non-formal learning is extremely adaptable and incorporates a diverse range of activities. For example, adult literacy education and skill development, fitness programs, community-based adult education classes, and free courses on various platforms

Someone who is not in school can learn literacy, other basic skills, or work skills through non-formal learning. Other options include home education, specialized instruction (such as programmed learning), distance learning, and computer-assisted training.

Non-formal learning is implemented knowingly, carefully, and systematically. However, it should be designed for a cohesive group. In the same way, non-formal learning should be designed to meet the needs of the selected population. Consequently, this will demand flexibility in curriculum design and evaluation methods.

Non-formal Education Examples 

  1. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides provide sports programs such as swimming, which fall within nonformal learning.
  2. Fitness classes.
  3. Adult education courses in the community.
  4. Some organizations offer free adult education classes.

Non-formal education has the following characteristics:

  1. Non-formal education is planned, yet it occurs outside of the academic instruction offered by the school education system.
  2. It is extremely adaptable and customizable.
  3. There is no set age limit for obtaining this form of schooling.
  4. Non-formal education could require certificates or fees.
  5. It can be done part-time, full-time, or as a career.
  6. This type of education combines theoretical and practical education.
  7. The timetable and syllabus can be changed.
  8. It is practical and vocational education, as opposed to theoretical formal education.
  9. This form of education can be full-time or part-time learning, and one can earn while studying.
  10. It entails gaining professional skills.

Advantages of Non-Formal Education:

  1. Non-formal education is flexible because it is available both in the private and public education sectors.
  2. No system of routine examination exists in this type of education.
  3. Since it is a skill-development process, there is no need for degrees or rewards.
  4. It entails the practical application of theoretical knowledge.
  5. Practiced and vocational education
  6. Minds that are naturally developing do not wait for the system to change.
  7. Literacy with skilled progress in which self-learning is valued.
  8. Flexibility in terms of age, curriculum, and time
  9. Open-ended educational system in which both the public and private sectors participate.

Non-formal education disadvantages:

  1. If you are learning it as a pastime, you do not need a professional or a trained teacher to deliver non-formal education.
  2. There are no regular assessments to assess skill improvement.
  3. There is a high potential for forged certifications obtained from several institutes.
  4. Participant attendance is erratic.
  5. Sometimes it is simply a waste of time because the exam is not required regularly and no degree or diploma is issued at the end of the training session.
  6. It is critical to develop basic reading and writing skills.
  7. There are no professional or trained teachers.
  8. Pupils may not have the same level of confidence as typical pupils.
  9. Some institutes offer bogus accreditation through online courses solely for the sake of profit.








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