
6 Causes of social injustice in Education

social injustice in schools

What is social injustice in education?

Handling someone unfairly from one person or group to another is called social injustice. While social injustice in education occurs due to the unequal distribution of resources and facilities. Schools in marginalized communities are frequently underfunded. They have segregated classrooms.It is difficult for them to give their students a top-notch education. Beyond academic success, social justice is an essential component of education. It guarantees that every student has an equal chance to succeed by embracing the principles of justice, equality, and transparency.

Social injustice in education also refers to injustice against race, caste, gender, or even wealth. It is used to determine any individual’s education. Students belonging to the high elite class have access to the best educational resources, while students from underprivileged backgrounds experience educational injustice.  Due to social injustice in education, people’s access to quality healthcare, affordable housing, higher education, and a host of other things is impacted.

Causes of social injustice in education

Education is the greatest asset and most effective weapon to alter the universe. However, social injustice in education has been passed down to a great number of people over many years. Here are some causes of social injustice in education.

Poor family

Families’ poverty and education are related because impoverished people stop attending school because they cannot afford the tuition and other costs. A large number of people may become illiterate and uneducated due to poverty. The lack of numeracy skills, people need for their careers is a result of family poverty.

Poor family

One prominent and important aspect of the struggle for children’s rights is education. Education plays a crucial role in breaking the taboo around poverty.  Even in impoverished countries, it is crucial to normalize education because it will support national development. Poverty causes a lot of problems in society that need to be resolved in order to create a just society. So, one of the primary causes of social injustice in the educational system is family poverty.

Ignorance of parents

Parent’s ignorance is another component contributing to social injustice in education. Parental involvement in their children’s education and schooling is important. Parents support their children in developing better academic records as well as higher self-esteem. Parents can encourage their children to have a positive outlook on learning.

ignorance of parents

Uninformed people are unaware of the significance of social justice and education.  They don’t think education is important, they prevent their children from attending school, which exacerbates social injustice.

Bullying from other students

Another major cause of social injustice in education is bullying in schools, which severely traumatizes kids. Pupils who experience bullying ought to be aware of social injustice in the classroom and report their harassers to higher authority. Bullying comes in a variety of forms, including direct bullying. It entails the bully abusing the victim directly. Bullying someone is a horrible and cruel thing, and it is not fun. Nobody deserves to be bullied.


Teachers Criticism

Students suffer greatly when teachers are criticized, and this contributes to social injustice in the classroom. It is imperative that we elucidate to them the nature of social injustice in education as well as its underlying causes. Everyone dislikes negative comments and feedback from their instructors. Many students try to avoid going to school because they are discouraged by their teachers’ unceasing criticism.

The majority of our issues stem from our desire to be destroyed by acclaim rather than preserved by criticism. For a fair educational system, it is necessary to avoid the causes that make students think their teacher is very unfair to them and to hate both their school and their teacher because of all the criticism that brings out the best in each of their students.

Favoritism in school

A system of education is unfair if any favoritism is promoted in the educational institutions. Here, favoritism is the practice of giving some students more marks and rewards than those of others simply because they come from wealthy and well-off families. Consequently, favoritism entails disregarding less intelligent or impoverished pupils. In addition to stopping and impeding other students’ learning, it gives the impression that social justice is nonexistent at their school. So, favoritism in the classroom or at school leads educators and learners to believe incorrectly that knowledge is not valuable. It is, therefore, critical that teachers in the classroom begin teaching equally and give up favoritism.

Lack of access to technology

Lack of technology

Lack of access to technology in schools is the root cause of the injustice and unfairness in educational systems, and it is necessary to educate students about social injustice in the classroom. The use of technology in the classroom helps students develop their abilities and capacity for learning. Students face an obstacle when they do not have access to technology, which slows down their rate of learning. With the use of technology, students can learn more and have more opportunities.

The importance of social justice in the education system

No one can genuinely rest until poverty, injustice, and inequality continue to exist in this world. One can determine the significance of social justice in numerous ways. Social justice helps students by encouraging equality, justice, and empathy among themselves.

The most important thing to do is to educate students about social injustice in education so that they can become more aware of what is fair, just, and moral for them. For a peaceful society, it is necessary to teach students about social justice and advocate for it.

Self-reflection is a valuable teaching tool that emphasizes social justice, which teachers must embrace and implement for the benefit of their students. Pupils learning within this framework ideally possess a stronger sense of what is just and reasonable, and it will assist them in choosing careers that will benefit their communities. It is imperative that students acquire knowledge about social injustice in the classroom.


Here are some of the strategies suggested to deal with social injustice in education.

Encouraging diversity and inclusiveness in schools

One of the important tactics for tackling social injustice in education is encouraging diversity and inclusiveness in schools. This entails developing inclusive learning environments, recruiting a diverse faculty, developing culturally sensitive curricula, and addressing implicit biases. Schools can celebrate diversity and provide equal opportunities to build a more equitable educational system.

Culturally responsive curricula

Diverse viewpoints, experiences, and histories must be incorporated into the instructional materials in order to create curricula that are culturally responsive. This exposes students to a variety of cultures and ways of thinking while also enabling them to see them reflected in the curriculum. It aids in the growth of students’ empathy, comprehension, and respect for diversity.

Hiring diverse faculty

Hiring diverse faculty

One more crucial component of encouraging diversity and inclusion in schools is hiring a diverse faculty. Students are more likely to experience a sense of connection and belonging when they see teachers who resemble them and have comparable backgrounds. Diverse faculty members can enhance the learning environment for all students by distinct perspectives and experiences to the classroom.

Creation of secure environment

Creating secure and friendly environment for every student is a key component of fostering inclusive learning environments. This can be accomplished by putting inclusive classroom practices into practice, like speaking inclusively, encouraging polite conversation, and addressing any bias or discrimination. Students’ learning experiences are improved in inclusive learning environments when they are made to feel appreciated, respected, and supported.

Address implicit biases

Another critical step in fostering diversity and inclusion in schools is addressing implicit biases unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that influence our perception, behavior, and decision making are known as implicit biases. Schools can endeavor to eradicate discriminatory practices and establish a more equitable environment by educating teachers about these biases and offering training.

Reformation of policies

Reforming policies is essential to addressing social injustice in education. Reducing the achievement gap, guaranteeing access to high-quality resources, deal with discriminatory disciplinary practices and allocation funds equitably are examples of effective reforms. By putting social justice and equality first, we can eliminate structure barriers establish a fairer educational system.

Closing the economic gape

It is critical to close the economic gap between those with high and low incomes in order to address systemic inequalities. The management of income disparities in society can be aided by policies like increasing the minimum wage and enacting a wealth tax.

Every parent will benefit from this and be able to afford to give their kids to topnotch education. The primary barriers to a just system are the allocation of resources among different educational institutions. Social injustice in education has also been significantly influenced by gender inequality.

Girls and women have historically faced obstacles to education, such as restricted access and social norms that place a higher priority on male education. Girls were expected to put household duties ahead of their academic growth in many societies, which limited their potential and reinforced traditional gender roles.


In conclusion, social injustice in the classroom has always been a problem. The advancement of marginalized groups has been hampered and societal injustices have been sustained by the segregation of schools on the basis of race and gender. Since education is a fundamental right and a driving force behind social change and the creation of a more just society. It is imperative that we never stop promoting equal educational opportunities for all.










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