
7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods

Qualitative research and Quantitative research are the important types of research. The qualitative research methods comprise of collection and analysis of qualitative data such as text, audio and video for understanding the concepts, opinions, and/or experiences. The qualitative research methods are used for in-depth insights into problem or produce new research ideas.

7 distinct types of qualitative research methods

7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods

Briefly, the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods are described below.

1. Case study


Case study method

Among the 7 distinct types of qualitative research methods, the first is the case study method. The focus of the case study approach is on individuals, small groups, or individuals within a group in a specific setting and documenting their experiences. Here, the maximum possible qualitative data is gathered from many sources, including the individuals being studied.

The other significant characteristic of case study is to examine multiple variables. Since the individuals’ study is a complex process, so it is necessary to study many variables. For this purpose interviews, observations, document analysis, and artifacts are used as main tools for collecting the qualitative data. Naturalistic settings are important for data collection activities.

It is important to consider time for collection of qualitative data. It is important because the researcher wants the individual to respond naturally. The natural response requires the individual to remain comfortable which requires time.

2. Ethnographic Research


Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the second method is Ethnographic research method.This type of qualitative research method studies that how people in a group interact with each other in an environment. In ethnographic research, the researcher becomes a part of environment of the participants and thus becomes a part of the group being studied. Since thematic analysis in qualitative research is done for analysis of data, the ethnographic researchers then assess the gathered qualitative data through setting, because the setting has its importance in the study.

Types of Ethnographic research

The various types and forms of ethnographic research are explained below.

i. Psychology ethnographic research

In this type of ethnographic research, the methodology of ethnographic research is used in the field of psychology to examine behavior. The researchers use the in-depth interview, field notes and focus group discussions for the purpose of understanding the psychological phenomena.

ii. Business ethnographic research

In this type of ethnographic research, the researcher notes down the behavior of the consumer regarding their attitude about market demands. For this purpose, the researcher uses field work, interview, and online surveys. This qualitative data is then used to develop efficient marketing strategies.

iii. Educational Ethnographic research

In this type, the teaching and learning methods are studied by the researcher to see their effects on classroom behaviors. This research method focuses on the effect of pedagogy on academic performance and participation in classroom. For this purpose the researcher uses participant and non-participant observation.

iv. Medical Ethnographic Research

This type of research helps the teachers in understanding behavior of patients. It helps the manufacturers in understanding the needs of the market and thus influences the product design.

3. Phenomenological Research

Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the third method is Phenomenological research method.In this type of research, the qualitative researchers try to describe the lived experiences of the people. Their attempt is to capture the core of human experiences. They remain interested to understand and record the participants’ psychological and social perspectives. The researchers focus on their everyday experiences.

Since these qualitative researchers want the participants to reveal their experiences through provision of detailed information, it requires a psychological connection between the researcher and participants. It is important that there is trust between the participants and researcher. It is also important to note that the qualitative researcher must not involve his/her personal perspective.

For the data collection about the lived experiences of the participants, the qualitative researchers use phenomenological interviews. These interviews consist of open-ended questions. After collection of data, it is transcribed. At last, the transcribed data is completely read for presenting the holistic picture.

4. Narrative Research

Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the fourth method is Narrative research method.Due to the richness of data production, narrative research grows in popularity. Narrative research uses storytelling to portray the people’s lives in a specific context or setting. The process of narrative research starts with the identification of phenomena to be studied. For this purpose, the researcher selects the individual for learning about his experiences but the individual should be willing for telling his story. Then a series of interviews are conducted to allow him to tell his story and probe the phenomena. It is important to develop the trust with the individual being studied. The researcher records the stories for transcription.

5. Action Research

Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the fifth method is action research method.This type of qualitative research is designed for the enhancement and improving current practice in a classroom, or school. In this type of research the researchers would like to solve a problem or find some ways for enhancing their own teaching or learning or both. Consequently, action research helps the researchers in enhancement of their professional skills, knowledge, and improves students’ outcomes.

Types of action research

On broad basis, action research has got two major types; critical action research and practical action research.

i. Critical action research:

The critical action researchers believe that research should aim at enhancing the lives of the people specially marginalized people. These researchers believe that research must be democratic and impartial. They believe that there should be collaboration between the researcher and the members of the community. Finally, they are of the opinion that action should have linkage with values held by the concerned persons.

ii. Practical action research

The aim of this type of action research is improvement of people’s lives involved in education. This type of research is based on everyday experiences of the people. Their focus is on bringing small changes at local level.

6. Grounded theory

Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the sixth method is Grounded theory method.Grounded theory is one of the qualitative research methods in which the researcher generates and develops a theory from the collected data. It is an inductive approach used to generate theories or explanations. In this method, the researchers conduct in-depth interviews with the respondents. The respondents identify some factors about a certain phenomenon. Then the researchers discuss the reasons behind some factors about the phenomenon and possible solutions of the issues. For that purpose, they develop the theory further and test it with new data.

7. Historical research

Among the 7 Distinct types of Qualitative research Methods, the seventh method is Historical Research method.Historical research is conducted with the aim to investigate and understand the past events, people, and societies through the use of various sources and methods. In other words, it is the process of understanding the already occurred events. The information about the occurred events is received through various sources which have been divided into; 1. Material or physical sources 2. Written or literacy sources. Both of them are discussed below.

The material sources such ancient monuments, and coins are unearthed by the archaeologists, are one source and the rich information about the past written in the medieval period, are the other sources.

i. Primary sources

The primary sources are those sources which provide the first-hand information about the historical events, for example, weapons, clothing, painting, coins, diaries, letters, autobiographies etc.

ii. Secondary sources

These sources are created through the analysis and interpretation of the primary sources. Although these cannot be trusted, they are useful information sources about the past events. For example, biographies, and literary works are the secondary sources of historical research.



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