
A Complete Guide to 4 Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory Kinesthetic, and Read/write

learning styles

In psychology, learning styles refer to the ways that humans gather, examine, interpret, organize, come to conclusions about, and store information for further use. It is a person’s innate predisposition for learning and absorbing new information.

People have diverse learning styles because their ability or need to process information through sight, sound, and touch varies. Some people prefer visual aids such as charts, but others learn best by listening (auditory) or doing things physically (kinesthetic). These three learning styles are discussed in the following paragraphs.

learning styles

Visual learning style

Visual learner frequently gains knowledge through the use of maps, graphs, charts, and other visual aids. Visual learners use diagrams, color-coordination, drawings, and other visual components to understand something better than they would have been able to do merely by listening or speaking alone. The majority of students love reading textbooks or attending lectures when the subject is presented on slides (with charts/graphs). To understand economics, for example, an infographic may be more useful than simply listening to someone talk about it. This is a great strategy for delivering visual learners since it clearly shows the connection between numerous topics. A flow chart, for example, could be used to illustrate a scientific procedure.

Advantages of Visual Learner

Visual learners excel at:

  • Organizing colors and arranging words and items they see visually in their minds
  • General organization
  • Following written instructions and directions
  • Memorizing content

Visual Learners’ Weaknesses


• information isn’t delivered to them in a visual way (written, pictures, etc.)

• they aren’t permitted to take down notes or create diagrams that help them understand things

Auditory learning style

Among all learning styles, the Auditory learner learns better when information is provided in an auditory format, such as hearing or speaking. Auditory learning style is a sort of learning in which people use verbal communication or sounds to understand something better than they would be able to do solely via reading. Auditory learner usually enjoys taking part in debates and paying close attention during lectures because they require the sound component for optimal comprehension. Auditory learner often appreciates receiving information from sources such as:

  • Podcasts
  • Lectures
  • Audiobooks
  • Conversations/discussions

They are more prone to organize their thoughts after speaking than to think things through initially. Because saying things aloud helps children understand what you’re saying. Auditory learners learn best when information is presented in a conversational manner, such as during lectures or group discussions. They can benefit from, among other things, listening to the classes again, having recordings of the lectures, and participating in group activities that encourage peers to explain topics.

Auditory learner prefers these strategies to text-based materials such as books and articles. He/she concentrates best when there are no distractions, such as music or other people chatting when they are trying to study. Those things may divert their attention away from what is most important right now.

Auditory Learners’ Advantages

Auditory learner excels at:

• Reciting material from lectures in response to queries

  • Storytelling
  • Listening
  • Conversations
  • Verbal communication

Auditory Learners’ Weaknesses

Auditory learner, on the other hand, may struggle with:

  • Any distraction (people chatting, music playing) can take away from their focus needed to absorb the information at hand.
  • An environment in which they are unable to interact orally (discussions with others or answering inquiries). He/she may become disoriented and struggle to keep up.
  • Complete silence

Kinesthetic learning style

Kinesthetic learner prefers to learn by doing. Kinesthetic learning is a type of learning in which people use their body senses (touch, movement, and feeling) to grasp something better than they might just by reading or hearing about it. Hands-on activities, experiments, practical exercises, and role-playing are preferred by kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learner prefers hands-on activities, experiments, practical exercises, and role-playing.

They are more in touch with and connected to reality, which is why they require tactile experience to grasp anything. Personal experience, practice, or simulations are the most effective ways to convey new information to kinesthetic learners. He/she, for example, recreates an experiment to remember it.

Furthermore, a kinesthetic learner may struggle to pay attention in a regular classroom setting. This is because sitting for extended periods does not allow them to move around, which might aid in focus and engagement.

Kinesthetic Learners’ Advantages

Kinesthetic learner has the following strengths:

  • Retention of information from hands-on activities and experiments
  • Balance, as they want to move their body while working and studying;
  • Assisting in enthralling others with their energy and involvement

Kinesthetic Learners’ Weaknesses

Kinesthetic learner may struggle if

  • asked to sit and remain inactive for long periods;
  • discouraged from fidgeting or moving around when the situation requires general immobility; and
  • presented with information without the opportunity to absorb or repeat the information while doing something physical.
  • Forced to spend the entire day in one learning setting

Read/write learning style

Read/write students learn mostly via reading and writing. They would rather study notes, handouts, and textbooks to learn knowledge. These students consult dictionaries and other reference materials. They can also benefit from discreetly rewriting and reviewing notes.

  • Writers learn best by writing and revising knowledge.
  • Understand concepts by using lists, headings, dictionaries, glossaries, and definitions.
  • Ability to work effectively with textbooks, handouts, and manuals

Suggestions for students

  1. Rewrite the words several times.
  2. Read your notes (quietly) several times.
  3. Rephrase the thoughts and principles in different languages.
  4. Arrange any diagrams, graphs, or other visuals into statements (for example, “The trend is…”).
  5. Create work from reactions, actions, diagrams, charts, and flows.
  6. Visualize your lists as multiple-choice questions and differentiate between them.
  7. Prepare exam responses.
  8. Try out multiple-choice questions.
  9. Create paragraphs, beginnings, and conclusions.
  10. Make a list of everything (a, b, c, d, 1, 2, 3, 4).

How Can Auditory Learning style Help You Advance Your Career?

If you learn best by listening, look for a job that allows for open communication, regular feedback in staff meetings, and the opportunity to use your listening talents to expand your knowledge and skill set.

Take advantage of opportunities to repeat material after hearing it from a lecturer or coworker, and be vocal during meetings and presentations (if permitted) to successfully convey your message.

How Can Visual Learning style Help You Advance Your Career?

If you are a visual learner, then take advantage of opportunities to develop presentations for coworkers or clients to effectively communicate your message. Also, take notes during lectures so that you can refer to them later if necessary.

During tutorials, if possible, try to develop a visual representation of the subject for yourself by creating illustrations to help make sense of what is being presented. This will also help to cement those thoughts in your mind. Color-code charts, sticky notes, and other managerial responsibilities to help you keep organized at work.

How to Apply Kinesthetic Learning style to Advance Your Career?

Utilize opportunities to move around and be physically active at work. When chatting to someone, don’t be afraid to move around, speak with your hands, and be physically active.

Look for games or activities you can do outside of the classroom to help you remember what you’ve learned.

Look for games or activities you can undertake outside of the classroom to help reinforce what you’re learning. For example, after discussing forthcoming tasks with your employer, go for a walk and repeat what you said.

If at all feasible, try to locate a work that allows you to move your body to keep interested and concentrated. Working as a personal trainer, tour guide, or anything else that requires physical activity during the day qualifies.

Why Is It Important To Discover Your Learning Style?

All learning styles have their advantages and cons, which is why it is vital to identify your learning style. When you know this, you may start looking for methods to improve your learning styles by incorporating what works best for you. Different occupations necessitate different skills, and learning styles in the optimal way for you makes acquiring and improving those skills much easier.

When we are bored, we lose focus and are less likely to remember what we have learned. So discovering fresh and fascinating ways to learn will keep us interested while also assisting us in staying on track. Furthermore, adopting several learning styles helps to avoid boredom when attempting to absorb new material.

Taking Advantage of Different Learning Styles?

Knowing what sort of learner you are makes it easier to identify the right materials and tools to help you learn. You can also modify how you study, absorb information, receive criticism, interact with coworkers, and prepare for presentations.

What If I’m Not Sure Which Learner Type I Am?

If you are unsure about which of the learning styles you adopt, you can experiment with several learning styles until you find your own. Trial and error will be crucial in this situation.

Hopefully, the preceding parts have also given you a good notion. Do you pay more attention to material when it is spoken to you or when it is written down on a PowerPoint slide? What if someone is strolling and talking with you while presenting information?

In all learning styles the first step towards improving your ability to learn and remember new knowledge. Once you’ve determined how your brain prefers to process information, start looking for ways to optimize your learning experience by employing these various learning styles.

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