
Depression:Treatment for Men and Teens


Depression is a very common phenomenon today. All ages become victims of this disease. It varies among people but some sign and symptoms of depression seem common like sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, restlessness, hesitation, etc.


Depression is a serious psychological issue in both sexes, but as men are strong enough, that’s why it’s difficult to find out easily. They never accept or show their depressive situation because they believe that showing depressive feelings is a sign of weakness and is an insult to manliness. Men have tricks to hide their depressive situations. However, it cannot be denied that depression also affects the lives of men, like women. As time passes, their depressive condition appears in the form of agitation, shouting, quarreling, and slang.

Depression in men


Depression is a common phenomenon among all ages, but the symptoms among them are naturally different. Some of the centrally highlighted symptoms of depression in men are as follows:

  1. Overwhelming feelings of agitation
  2. Get rid from family bounds
  3. Quarreling condition
  4. Use abusive language
  5. Shouting at everyone, especially my life partner
  6. Consider enemy to family, friends, and colleagues
  7. Unrestiveness and uneasiness
  8. Careless and risky attitude
  9. Changes in eating or sleeping routine
  10. Feeling of remorsefulness


Societal Norms: Masculinity is more important for men that societal norms placed on them. From a young age, men were consistently taught to embrace and endure their feelings and emotions. Societies expect a boy to act like a grown man who must have self-control and refrain from crying like a young girl.

Hesitation: Men hesitate to express a depressive condition and negative thinking. They try to hide their feelings and forget that they not only disturb their routine activities but also injure their souls.

Unacceptable Mental Health: Mental health treatment is considered unacceptable in societies that strongly adhere to cultural norms. Strong cultural norms never allow men to seek any form of mental health care.

Physical Condition: The most common way to find out depressive condition among men is their physical condition rather than emotions and feelings. Signs of depression may appear among men in the form of digestive issues, headaches, irritability, and even persistent pain.

Alcohol Consumption: The use of alcohol is also another cause of depression among men. Uncurbed use of alcohol also disturbed their lives, sometimes because of a broken family, separation, or divorce. As a result, depression may occur.

Difficult Life Events: Some difficult life events also lead men to depression, like losing a job, losing any body part due to an intense accident, losing someone special, or the sudden death of a parent or child.

Genes May Suffer: Genes may also play a role in the development of depression. If a member of a family experiences mental illness, it undoubtedly has an impact on the rest of the family.

Personality Traits: Men who possess certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, a desire for perfectionism, a tendency to self-criticism, and feeling of jealousy from prestigious people, can also be prone to experiencing depression


There is no disease that cannot be treated. Depression in men can also be cured because, without treatment, depression may get worse. Untreated depression can be miserable for a person and his close relatives. There are multiple methods used to treat depression. Everyone gives treatment in a unique way, but a health care professional or doctor can suggest a suitable treatment for the depressed person.

Family Support: Support from family is the most important part of depression treatment. The family must find out the causes of men’s depression. A family must give special attention to the affected person to get rid of the depressive situation. Soft conversation with affected men is useful to handle the situation, like avoid making hypotheses, while listening to him, pay close attention to how he feels, encourage him to boost his confidence level, avoid negative discussion, or condemn his views. Increase his motivational level and prepare his mind to accept these symptoms of depression as an illness, not a weakness of masculinity.

Routine Wise Gathering: Arrange some gatherings routinely, like family outing, Buffy-party with friends, social events such as competition regarding hobbies of depressive people, etc. In the daily management of depression, these mood enhancers prove to be extremely beneficial in healing the symptoms of depression.

Counseling: Counseling is another useful method to give treatment to men with depressive symptoms. Psychiatrists give special treatment to men to cope with symptoms of depression. They provide special behavioral and cognitive therapy to control his actions.

Medication: Medication treatment is initiated only when counseling fails to alleviate depressive symptoms. A health care professional or doctor prescribed antidepressant medication to release anxiety and mental distress, along with cognitive therapy.


Depression in teens is also a psychological issue that results in a continuous sense of unhappiness and a lack of enthusiasm for various activities.

depression in teens


Depression in teens is a symptom of a change in mood from normal to grief, misery, agitation, sadness, etc.

Some other indicators of depression symptoms observed in teens are as follows:

  1. Poor concentration
  2. Disturb sleep
  3. Loss of interest in studies
  4. Absentees from school
  5. Sensitivity to rejection or failure
  6. Frequent thoughts or suicide
  7. Use of drugs
  8. Poor personal hygiene
  9. Isolation
  10. Self harm


If signs and symptoms of depression manifest in teens, it’s very crucial to provide treatment immediately to depressed teens. It’s very important to take serious notice of a teen’s depression because ignoring it can lead to suicide, as teens are highly emotional individuals. Psychological therapy is considered the primary source of treatment for depression. In cases of ruthless depression, Dr. treats them with antidepressant pills along with therapy. But sometimes in teens, depression increases dangerously; they harm themselves or others, like inflicting harm on themselves or hurting others. Therefore, it is imperative that treatment for such cases be sought outside of a home environment. Therefore, during this crucial juncture, it is essential for them to be admitted to the hospital because treatment in the hospital helps to keep teenagers calm and safe.



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