
Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Benefits & Trends

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The digital transformation process includes the use of technology in creating new business processes, products, and services and meeting the customers’ needs. In particular, the health industry can get benefits from digital transformation. So, digital transformation in healthcare improves patients’ care while reducing costs. Opportunities are created to deliver care to patients.

The meaning of digital healthcare:

Digital healthcare means that the patient’s care is improved through the use of technology. It encompasses tracking the patients’ data in medical records and the connection between patients and doctors. Hence, digital transformation in healthcare plays an important role.

The importance of digital transformation in healthcare:

importance of digital transformation in healthcare

There are increasing trends in healthcare organizations to adopt digital technology. The reason is that it improves the patients’ health and reduces costs. There are numerous ways in which digital technology is adopted.

i. Increasing engagement of patients:

Adopting digital transformation helps boost patients’ engagement. It happens due to easy access to information regarding the health of patients.

ii. Technological modernization and management:

The use of robotic process automation (RPA) helps in reducing costs. Furthermore, the coordination among team members has improved. Hence, digital transformation helps improve the quality of care.

Benefits of digital transformation for patients

There is a connection between the digital transformation and healthcare. This connection is explained in the following paragraphs.

benefits of digital transformation in healthcare

i. Better personalized services:

Now it is possible that, with the help of digital transformation, the disease can be diagnosed and effective treatment can be provided.

ii. Contact with the doctor:

They can make contact with the doctors in a better and enhanced way. Contact can be made through video calls and chatting. In this way, the treatment strategies can be conveniently discussed, and ultimately, the prescriptions can be received.

iii. Personal healthcare information can be accessed:

With the help of digital transformation, personal healthcare records can be accessed easily. They can make an online analysis of their personal healthcare records.

iv. Making appointments conveniently:

The process of scheduling appointments with the doctors becomes easier for patients due to digital transformation.

 Benefits of digital transformation for healthcare organizations

The anticipated benefits associated with healthcare organizations are discussed below.

i. Costs are reduced:

One of the major benefits of digital transformation is that it reduces unnecessary costs in the process of provision of services.

ii. Time spent on the examination of the patient is reduced.

With the help of this transformation, the examination time spent on patients is reduced, as there is no need for paper work. Consequently, the records can be accessed easily.

iii. Improved interaction with patients:

The interaction between patients and doctors is facilitated with the help of digital transformation. This becomes possible with the help of video calls and chats.

iv. Availability of database of medical records:

With the help of this transformation, it is easy to create safe records of patients. This record can be shared instantly with the healthcare professionals and medical specialists when demanded.

v. Ease in decision making:

The decisions regarding patients can be taken timely due to the availability of timely and accurate access to information.

Digital transformation trends in healthcare:

Some of the digital transformation trends are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Digital transformation trends in healthcare

i. Health wearables

Previously people used to consult the doctor once a year. But currently the people are more concerned about their health. Therefore, the trends in wearable technology devices have now increased among the people.

The popular healthcare devices are:

  • Fitness bands
  • Exercise trackers
  • Oximeters
  • Sweat meters

These wearable devices are used to accurately assess the patients’ health by the doctors.

ii. Portals of patients:

With its help the patients get access to their records of health. Portals are used to make schedule appointments with the doctors. It makes the process as a transparent one in addition to the patients’ convenience.

iii. Data aggregation:

From the multiple data collection sources such as data provided by patients, laboratory results, pharmacy results, and information collected through medical devices, may cause overlooking of information. This problem is solved through data aggregation which helps in creating a complete file of patient.

iv. Virtual visits of doctor:

The virtual visit of the doctor has become more popular trend in recent time especially after OCVID-19 pandemic. Through this virtual visit, the doctors arrange appointment with patient by suing video calls or chats etc.

v. Analysis of the history of disease:

Many tools such BostonGence’s tool can be used to help the doctors to analyze the patients’ history of disease.

vi. AI Screening:

With the help of AI Screening, the staff of the hospital can explore that what patient needs the care first and then appropriate channels are used to guide the patient. Such systems are successfully adopted by many hospitals of the world.

This system is beneficial because it reduces the unnecessary gathering of people in waiting rooms.





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