
Education: Meaning, Nature, Aims, and functions

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Education is a systematic process by which a child or adult gains knowledge, experience, skills, and a positive attitude. Its purpose is to make a person ideal. Every society gives meaning to it since it is a cure-all for all ills. It is the secret to solving all of life’s issues.



Different Latin words provide the basis of education, such as:

‘Educare’, indicates ‘to bring out’ / ‘to nourish’.

  1. ‘Educere’ indicates ‘to lead out’ / ‘to draw out’.
  2. ‘Educatum’, which means ‘act of teaching’ or ‘training’.
  3. ‘Educatus’ indicates ‘to rear/bring up,’.

‘Educatio’ indicates ‘ breeding, bringing up, rearing.’

Education definitions by different authors

It has been regarded as the path to growth and wealth since time immemorial. Education definitions by different authors have been presented here.

Various educationists’ ideas from both the Eastern and Western sides have explained the meaning of education by the demand of the hour. Its definition by different authors has been shared. Here are some key education definitions:

  1. ‘It allows the mind to discover the ultimate truth, which provides us with a wealth of inner light and love and gives meaning to life.’ Tagore, Rabindranath
  1. ‘It is the process of the individual intellect reaching its greatest potential.’Zakir Hussain, M.D.
  1. ‘It is the building of a sound mind in a sound body.’ According to Aristotle
  2. Education is the ability to perceive pleasure and grief at the appropriate time.’— Plato
  3. ‘It is the enfoldment of what has already been enfolded in the germ.’ Friedrich Froebel
  4. ‘It is the process of living via the ongoing rebuilding of experiences.’ Dewey, John


Its essence is similar to its meaning. It is quite complicated.

1. It is a lifelong process.

Since it continues throughout the lives of individuals, it continues till the death of the people. It is the process of maturation from birth to adulthood. It comprises the impact of everything that has an impact on human personality.

2. It is a systematic process.

It refers to carrying out its actions under a set of rules and regulations.

3. It grows individuals as well as society.

As it develops society as a whole, it is called a force of social development.

 4. It involves behavior modification.

The educational process modifies and improves human conduct.

5. It has a purpose:

Every person has a goal in life. It aids in the achievement of the goal. All educational activities have a clear goal in mind.

6. It is a form of training.

The human senses, mind, behavior, and activities are all trained in a constructive and socially desirable manner.

7. It is instruction and direction:

It leads and instructs a person to fulfill his or her desires and requirements to exalt his or her entire self.

8. It is life.

Without it, existence is worthless and akin to that of a beast. Every facet and situation needs instruction for proper development.

9. It is the ongoing reconstruction of experiences:

According to John Dewey’s definition, it reconstructs and remodels experiences in a socially desirable manner.

10. It aids in personal development.

A man is a social entity. His personality cannot be balanced if he is unable to alter himself in various parts of life. He learns to adjust himself to his friends, classmates, parents, relatives, neighbors, teachers, and so on through the channel of education.

11. It promotes balanced development.

Education process promotes the development of all of the child’s faculties. Education serves the functions of physical, mental, artistic, moral, economic, and spiritual growth of the individual for the individual to sublimate his animal inclinations and become a civilized person.

12. It is a dynamic process: 

Education is a dynamic process that develops the kid in response to changing events and periods. It always motivates the individual to improve. It reconstructs society in response to the changing requirements of the time and location.

According to John Dewey, ‘an individual is a changing and growing personality.’ The goal of education is to aid in the process of his/her development. As a result, education plays numerous roles in creating a flawless society and man. Every community and nation must provide holistic happiness and prosperity to its citizens.


  1. It is both a bipolar and a tripolar process.
  2. It is a process centered on the child.
  3. It is both a purposeful and an internal process.
  4. It is a mental process.
  5. It is a lifetime endeavor.
  6. It consists of more than just instruction and teaching.
  7. It is more than just imparting knowledge.
  8. It is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Aims of education

It is a deliberate effort. We hope to effect positive changes in students through education. It is a deliberate effort with specific goals and objectives. The curriculum is determined, and the student’s academic performance is measured in light of these goals. Education without purpose is akin to a boat without a rudder.

Education becomes a dead end when there is no goal in mind. Every stage of human growth has a life goal. The goals of life dictate the goals of education. It’s goals have shifted over time, and it is thus dynamic, just as life’s goals are.

The goals of education are developed with the demands of the scenario in mind. Human nature is multifaceted, with numerous life-related demands. Life ideals are linked to educational goals.

Teachers could only accomplish this by living their lives in hundreds of small and large exchanges with pupils in speech and deed.


One of the important goals of education is to achieve individual and social goals. Individual goals that are opposed to each other are important for the development of uniqueness. Individuals who do not realize their desires contribute to the growth of society. However, it will be demonstrated that individual development takes on meaning only in a communal context.

Every culture and person requires education. It is life in and of itself, not a preparation for life. Man has a variety of characteristics. Individual qualities should be developed for the benefit of the country. As a result, It serves as a supplement to total individual, societal, and national development. It enables a person to attain his or her highest self and goal. The following are the essential functions and roles of education about the person, society, and country.

Social goal

Supporters believe society, or the state, is paramount or real. The individual is merely a means to an end. It’s goal is to advance society.It is both for and about society. The purpose of education is to benefit the state. The state will shape the individual to its liking. It prepares the individual to take on various tasks in society. Individuality and individuality have no relevance apart from society. Individuals will evolve naturally if society develops. In this case, society plays a crucial role.


The vocational goal is also known as the “utilitarian goal” or “bread and butter goal.” The aforementioned educational goals are meaningless unless they enable us to meet our basic requirements of food, housing, and clothes. It must assist the child in earning a living. As a result, it must educate the youngster for some eventual profession, career, or trade. The vocational goal is a restricted educational goal. As a result, the vocational goal is not complete in and of itself.


Educationists who support the knowledge or information goal of education provide compelling arguments to support their position. They contend that knowledge is required for all righteous conduct and is the basis of all strength.


To augment the limiting notion of academic objectives, the cultural aim of education has been proposed. It’s cultural goal is undeniably noble, as it generates cultured men. However, it is unclear and contains far too many interpretations.


Character is the icing on the cake of life, and as such, it should be the goal of education. Both Vivekananda and Gandhi emphasized character development in schooling. Character building, often known as moral education, is concerned with a person’s whole behavior. As a result, we might conclude that character development is the goal of education.


Idealist thinkers have argued that the ultimate goal of education should be an individual’s spiritual development. Quaid e Azam placed a high focus on spiritual principles in education.


The main rule of human life is adjustment. Nobody can survive unless they adapt to their surroundings. Life is a constant fight for adjustment. ‘Education should be man’s adjustment to his nature, to his fellows, and to the ultimate nature of the cosmos,’ writes Horney.


Individuals’ ‘free and unoccupied time’ is sometimes referred to as leisure. It is a period when we may be creative with it. During leisure, we might pursue an activity for its own sake rather than for the sake of earning a living, which is boring and monotonous. We can also recuperate lost vitality and excitement during leisure. Leisure may make life more interesting and appealing.


A citizen must carry out numerous civic obligations and responsibilities. Children should be educated so that they can successfully carry out their many civic tasks and responsibilities. This training encompasses the development of character attributes such as clear thinking, clarity in speaking and writing, the art of communal living, cooperation, tolerance, patriotism, and global citizenship.

Aim for complete living

Some educationists have argued that it must have an all-encompassing goal. This approach has resulted in the formulation of two goals: “the complete living goal” and the “harmonious development goal.” According to Horney, “There is no one ultimate goal that subordinates all lesser goals to itself.” There is something in each of these goals, but not everything.’


It is clear from the preceding explanation that no individual can exist and grow in the absence of social context. His existence became terrible for man, so he created society. The security and well-being of an individual are dependent on society. Consequently, individual development is influenced by social growth. Each individual should be socially efficient as a result of their education. A socially efficient person can support himself or herself.

Education’s Functions:

It fulfills the following purposes:

It contributes to the completion of the socialization process.

Even though the family has a child, the contemporary family has access to schools and other institutions that have taken the position of the family to complete the socialization process.

It aids in the transmission of society’s culture.

The transfer of culture through the release of books and the teaching-learning process is possible.

It is possible to have a social personality: 

Education allows for the development of a person’s social personality.

It aids in the transformation of attitudes: 

With education, old and outmoded attitudes can be corrected and replaced with new ones.

It develops an environment in which to work:

Education helps in developing a conducive work environment.

It promotes democracy: 

Democracy may be understood and implemented for the benefit of the people through adequate education.

It instills values: 

Education instills moral ideals in the lives of people. It ensures societal transformations It ensures social changes through the innovation of various ideas and beliefs.


1. Development of inborn potentialities: 

It helps children develop their inborn potential by giving them opportunities to grow.

2. conduct modification: 

It helps to modify past conduct through learning and many educational organizations.

3. All-round development: 

It seeks to help children develop physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

4. Planning for the future: 

After finishing school, the youngster can earn a living by receiving a proper education that is productive.

5. Personality development: 

The child’s entire personality is formed physically, intellectually, ethically, socially, aesthetically, and spiritually. He or she is well-known in society.

6. Assisting with adaptability:

Man differs from beast. Man can reason and think. Through education, man does his best to adapt to his surroundings.


1. Instilling civic and social responsibility: 

It helps the next generation understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens of a democratic country.

2. Leadership development: 

An individual’s leadership quality is developed when he or she participates in all sectors of social, political, religious, and educational activities.

3. National integration: 

We live in a country that is diverse in terms of race, caste, language, diet, dress, habits, and physical environment. Emotional integration follows educational integration.It prepares people for unity rather than locality, for democracy rather than authoritarianism. The most important goal of education is to educate man.


1. Control and Social Change

Society is never static. It is forward-thinking and dynamic. The child is a member of society. The social environment is where a child’s personality can form. With the ever-changing surroundings, traditional traditions and practices are kept and passed.

2. Experience reconstruction

It is a lifelong endeavor. Education is life, and life is education. Life is full of adventures. One cannot live with prior experiences that prevent them from adjusting to society. As a result, education assists the individual in reconstructing the experience and adjusting to the surroundings.

3. Social and moral value development

Society is constantly at odds with narrowness. There is no social or moral significance. The man is now acting like an animal. Moral education can affect animal behavior. It instills moral and social values such as cooperation, tolerance, sympathy, fellow sentiments, love adoration, respect for elders, and assistance to the poor and needy.

4. Providing equal opportunities

The term ‘equality’ was inserted into the Indian Constitution since we do not have equal opportunity in all areas. It teaches us to provide equal chances in all sectors, regardless of caste, creed, color, gender, or religion.

5. Whole national development: 

It contributes to total national development by developing all parts of it, such as social, economic, cultural, spiritual, moral, educational, and so on.

As a result, It is a necessary component at all ages and phases of an individual’s, society’s, and nation’s life. Education has the potential to be a true remedy for all social ills.






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