
4 Factors Affecting Learning

The individual is always in contact with and influenced by the climate. This event causes him to adapt or adjust his behavior to deal with it. In this sense, learning is a behavioral modification influenced by previous behavior. It results in abilities, information, proclivities, viewpoints, interests, and other character traits, as stated above. This article discusses the different factors affecting learning.

Learning is defined as “any moderately long-lasting change in behavior that occurs as a result of training and experience.” This definition contains three important components.


  1. It is a behavior change, whether positive or bad.
  2. A change occurs as a result of training or experience, but changes as a result of development are not considered learning.
  3. This behavioral change should be rather long-lasting and should last for an extended period.

Factors affecting learning

The aspects that may affect the process of learning are discussed in the following paragraphs.

The variety of circumstances among the students may also be contributing factors.

1. Personal factors

The learner is the one who is engaged in learning. The outcome of various types is directly related to the learner’s attributes.

Personal elements that influence its process are listed below:

i. Intellectual Aspect

It refers to a person’s mental capacity. All learners do not have the same learning potential. Slow learners have limited intelligence, which makes it difficult for them to complete schoolwork. The capacity of the learner determines the effectiveness of the process. He or she may struggle in one subject but excel in another. It takes specialized training to make the process simple.

Generally, success in academics is closely connected with the general intelligence of a person. For those students who have low intelligence, it becomes difficult for them to master the curriculum. So, intellectual limitations may hinder its process.

A distinct impairment is indicated when a student performs a low score in one issue and a high score in another issue. As per the concepts of psychology, different individuals have different types of intelligence. So the ability of the student is a vital element that impacts the results of the learning process.

ii. Mental and physical health 

Among the variety of mental mechanisms is the attitude of a person. It is composed of kinesthetic parts. For example, cheerfulness, prejudice, close-mindedness, interest, and loyalty. Attitude is different from emotion and is categorical. It affects the brain organization and conduct of the individual. Personality development is also influenced by attitudes.

Academic progress, learning rate, and instruction are greatly influenced by the attitude of a person. Similarly, attitude influences the rate of daily work accomplishments, and if the attitude is positive, then it facilitates the work process.

A child who is mentally ill cannot study adequately. A child who is cognitively and physically fit, on the other hand, may grasp things better.

The category of physical health is composed of physical health, nutrition, visual and bodily defects, etc. Motor and physical development are badly affected by poor health, which also badly affects the learning of the individual.

Children with visual, auditory, or other physical disabilities have a major disadvantage when it comes to mastering skills like reading and spelling. The health of the student will almost certainly hinder his ability to study and concentrate.

iii. Learning aspiration level 

Learners with high aspirations and a deeper understanding of things can learn faster than those who do not strive for greatness. A child’s aspirations must match his or her ability, or else he or she may be disappointed.

iv. Willpower to learn:

Acquiring information is impossible without the will or determination to study. If someone has the desire to learn, the methods will present themselves. All that is required is some effort.

v. Factors of learning:

The process of acquiring knowledge is affected by a lack of understanding of the things being taught, unsuccessful work and techniques of study, as well as a lack of knowledge. The role of the school is very important in this situation. It is necessary for the school to regularly check the progress of the students; otherwise, their progress will be impeded.

Basic addition, for example, is required for successful arithmetic multiplication operations. Furthermore, weakness will immediately contribute to a lack of multiplication. A lack of reading skills or English competence may also be connected with failure in history.

Similarly, ineffective study habits may have been instilled in the student as a result of inadequate guidance.

B. Environmental Factors

i. Teacher Factors

The teacher has a significant impact on the actions of students while they are learning because of his or her function in the teaching-learning process.

ii. Subject knowledge:

Children learn what their teachers teach them; hence, a teacher must be knowledgeable about the topic or subject. A teacher must have a thorough comprehension of the subject.

iii. Teaching abilities:

A teacher may be knowledgeable about the subject, but if he or she cannot educate, the students’ learning suffers. The instructor should have the qualities of a competent educator, such as rational behavior, politeness, sympathy, and so on. It will aid in the learning process.

iv. Capability to manage the class or learners

Learning is impossible without good management, and a teacher must be able to govern or manage the class.

v. Disposition  

A nice disposition is essential for making the learning process enjoyable. Students appreciate teachers who have a pleasant attitude and help to establish a happy atmosphere in the classroom.

vi. Teacher Personality:

Personality is the combination of distinct characteristics that makes an individual different from another individual. The distinct personality of the teacher has a significant influence on the learning environment or the learner’s failures and successes. Many interacting factors result in the distinct personality of the individual. It is made up of physical appearance, cognitive qualities, emotional status, and behaviors toward others. The type of behavior that arises from the learning scenario is influenced by how a teacher’s personality interacts with the qualities of the students being taught.

Students generally despise a cranky instructor who can’t control his attitude in front of the class. It is difficult for a bad-tempered instructor to motivate kids and radiate light and sunshine around him. Students like teachers who are positive, empathetic, eager, and joyful. True affection for the students, sympathy for their interests, tolerance, and a great comprehension capacity are required for effective teaching and learning. So the teachers need to be aware of the fact that their behavior has a direct influence on the behavior development of the students and their learning capacity.

C. Content-related variables

i. Content type and nature:

Different learning styles are related to the kind and nature of the content; hence, content quality is important. Indeed, students cannot memorize worthless information. However, if they are provided with content that conveys the correct meaning or makes sense, learning becomes simple. When learners feel engaged with the subject, the learning process becomes more efficient for them.

ii. The difficulty level of content

When it comes to material, it is always checked to see what grade or level of people can understand it and how many difficult terms are in it. If the material contains more than 20% or 30% difficult words, the reader will struggle to understand it.

iii. Multi-Sensory Approach:

This refers to the use of images, graphs, tables, and illustrations in the content. When you apply them correctly, learning becomes simple. It is crucial in determining what the issue is all about.

iv. Content selection:

Content selection should be based on the learner’s interests. It should also be appropriate for their skills, as this has a significant impact on the learning process.

v. Content accessibility:

As digitalization has advanced, a wide range of content is now available with a few mouse clicks. However, making it accessible to the student is a critical effort. At the same time, students should enjoy studying through various means.

Personal factors such as characteristics, emotions, collaboration, and rivalry are all related to the level of motivation of the individuals. So these tendencies of the individual affect the responses of the individual to numerous stimuli.

Some of these intrinsic features are beneficial, while others are detrimental. There are many reasons for students’ hatred towards a subject. They may lack understanding or the basic foundation of the subject.

Some students are dissatisfied because they are afraid of upsetting their instructors and peers. This is a negative attitude that undermines the learning process. Training deficiencies are frequently to blame. The realization or mistaken belief that one’s well-being falls behind that of others causes social unhappiness.

D. Process-related variables

It refers to the approach utilized for teaching and learning activities. Teachers must be aware of the proper teaching approaches to achieve the desired results.

i. Learning by doing

If a subject needs practical learning, students should be required to complete the activity. Teachers can devise methods to compel students to participate in the activity.

ii. Communicating the status of learning progress:

Learners can perform better if they know how well they understand the subject. It can take the form of scores or grades, or it can just be a word of praise such as “excellent.”

iii. Choosing the best method:

Different types of learning require different teaching approaches, such as heuristic or conversational methods. When the proper method is used, learning becomes simple for the pupil. Certain topics, for example, children can understand in a group, so teachers should adopt a group discussion method.

As a result, the variables listed above are some of the most important considerations for teachers and students before beginning a teaching-learning process. They play an important role in diverse learning styles.


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