
4 goals of psychology

4 goals of psychology

Before explaining the goals of psychology, it is important to explain the definition of psychology. This subject deals with the study of the mind along with behavior. This subject has many fields like cognitive processes, personality, development, etc.

Two theoretical approaches, namely structuralism and functionalism, have been used in earlier studies of psychology.

Structuralism is a branch of psychology that discusses the structure of the mind and consciousness. On the other hand, functionalism deals with the understanding of mind and consciousness.

The subject of psychology is dedicated to the understanding of the emotions, personalities, and minds of individuals through scientific research, observations, and experiments. There are certain goals for the subject of psychology. They are: to describe behavior, to explain behavior, to predict behavior, and to control or modify behavior. The four (4) goals of psychology are explained in the following paragraphs.

4 goals of psychology

The 4 goals of psychology are explained in the underlying paragraphs.

4 goals of psychology

To describe behavior

The first goal of psychology is the description of behavior, and it asks, “What is happening? Or “what the individual is doing?” The actual phenomenon of how humans and animals behave in various environments is described through psychology. This description helps the psychologists differentiate between normal and abnormal behavior. It helps in a better understanding of human and animal behavior, thoughts, and actions.

For the achievement of these goals, a variety of research methods are used. For example, surveys, case studies, and assessment tests are used by psychologists. These methods help the psychologists describe minute details of the behavior objectively. As an example of the goals of psychology, a study was conducted to observe the internet habits of children and teenagers and to find out whether they shared the information with their parents or not. It was found that the students’ average internet spending time was 3.1 hours a day, and they did not want to share what they searched with their parents. This research study can be used to explain the reasons for such behaviors.

To explain behavior

After a description of the behavior, the psychologists attempt to explain the reasons why a person is behaving in a certain way. Explaining helps in understanding how and why certain behaviors are performed by individuals. Another example of the goals of psychology is studying books. These reasons are explored through rigorous tests, experiments, and observations. This explanation provides answers to the questions of why people behave in a certain manner in different circumstances.

Explain behavior

For the purpose of explaining the reasons for different behaviors, different theories have been formulated. They explain the reasons for the behaviors of the individuals in certain ways. Some of the well-known theories encompass Ivon Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning theory, Skinner’s operant conditioning theory, and observational learning theory. For example, the classical conditioning theory explains that two kinds of stimuli are connected together to acquire a new learning response in humans or animals.

Expanding the theory of classical theory to humans, John Watson popularized the behaviorism theory, in which he explained that all human behaviors, from speech to emotional responses, are due to stimulus-response phenomena.

As an example of the goals of psychology, a research study can be used to elaborate on the goal of explaining behavior. The research study examined the sharing behaviors of the children. The study found that children’s counting skills were the biggest reason for sharing behaviors. So the researchers not only observed the sharing skills of the students, but they also explained the reasons behind the sharing behaviors of some of the children as compared to others.

To predict behavior

On the basis of previous thinking and actions, predictions can be made about one’s future behaviors, which is one of the major goals of psychology. This goal may ask, “When might this behavior occur in the future?”  After an analysis of the previous behaviors, studies are conducted to predict whether certain behaviors will be repeated in the future or not. In this way, researchers and psychologists make predictions about the anticipated behaviors of individuals in the future.

Researchers and psychologists can better understand the causes of some behaviors. One of the examples of the goals of psychology is that the results of the aptitude test predict dropout rates. This information can be used to estimate the number of students leaving the school each year. After prediction, the last goal of psychology is controlling behavior.

To control or modify the behavior

The previous information about human behavior can be used to influence, modify, or control that behavior. Those behaviors are modified that are harmful, unproductive, or interfere with our daily functioning. For this purpose, some theories, such as the theory of planned behavior and social cognitive theory, can be effectively used.

How successful the researcher is in modifying or controlling the behavior depends upon his ability to precisely define behavioral issues, their causes, and develop and implement theory and evidence-based interventions. For example, the goal might ask, “How can a specific habit be stopped or changed?” Psychotherapy can help in this regard. This final goal helps in bringing positive behaviors to individuals, such as stopping addictive behaviors, reducing symptoms of depression, or improving communication skills.

How can these goals be used effectively in life?

It is because faulty communication is due to hidden stress and may lead to relationship stress. Similarly, communication is affected by spoken words, nonverbal cues, and the tone of the voice. With the help of psychology, people’s gestures and actions can be easily comprehended and interpreted.

Building relationships

The goal of psychology is to help in building and strengthening relationships with people. So psychology can be effectively used to form strategies to maintain relationships with people.

Finding talents

The psychological principles are used in every human resources department of the company. These principles are used by psychologists to improve productivity, identify the needs of training and development, and implement the policies of companies to help them find new talents.

Understand others

With the help of psychology, one can understand the behaviors of others and the reasons behind their behavior. For example, empathy is defined as the understanding of through what conditions a person is passing by imagining themselves in the same conditions. This quality helps a person become a sympathetic member of society.

Inculcate self-confidence

Psychology can help the individuals in developing the quality of self confidence in the people. For example, it can instill the quality of high self-esteem, which is an important quality in affecting one’s success or failure. Low self-esteem can lead a person to feel depressed, while high self-esteem can help a person become successful in life. Therefore, the field of psychology helps people gain knowledge about themselves and build their qualities to become successful in life.


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