
Hypothesis: 8 types, and steps

A hypothesis is the process of testing relationship between two or more variables. It is in fact an assumption made on the basis of evidence. There are certain characteristics of hypothesis which have to be kept in mind.


The following are characteristics of a good hypothesis.

  1. Must be clear and precise

If not clear and precise, the drawn inferences will not be valid and reliable.

  1. Must be specific:

They must be specific otherwise it will lead to vague results.

  1. Must have objective approach

It must have objective approach otherwise the researcher will not be able to draw specific and reliable results.

  1. Must be relevant

It must be relevant to the research problem. Irrelevancy in it leads to misleading results.

  1. Must be testable

Like in quantitative research where experiments and surveys are conducted, the hypothesis is tested to approve or disapprove it. So the testable one helps in reaching the conclusion about the scientific problem.

  1. Must have purposiveness

It must have purposiveness.

  1. Must have verifiability

A true hypothesis has the quality to be verified.

  1. Must be economical

A hypothesis must be economical.

Required Steps 

  1. Writing a question for the purpose of answering it.
  2. Collection of maximum possible observations about a problem.
  3. Evaluation of observations and looking for possible causes of the problem
  4. Formulation of hypothesis
  5. Refining of hypothesis
  6. Writing a null hypothesis

Different types 

The different types are presented on the basis of its purpose.

  1. Simple 

This type explains the relationship between one independent variable and one dependent variable. For example, a sleep of 7 to 8 hours keeps a person fresh and health.

  1. Complex hypothesis

This type shows the relation between two or more independent variables and two or more dependent variables. For example, parental support and availability of facilities at home have positive effects on personality and academic achievement of their children.

  1. Directional 

This type shows the direction of hypothesis among the variables. The terms such as increase, decrease, and positive or negative words are used. For example, parental emotional support has a positive effect on personality of their children.

  1. Non- directional 

This type only tests the difference between the variables but not the nature, direction, or magnitude of relationship. In case of non-directional hypothesis there is no underlying theory or previous research findings.

  1. Null 

In this type, dependent variable does not change due to the change in independent variable(s). It also indicates that the results are because of chance. Null hypothesis is represented by “Ho”.

  1. Alternative 

This type indicates a significant difference between the variables. It is denoted by “H1” or “Ha”. It is either accepted or rejected against null hypothesis.

  1. Associative 

This type states that a change in one variable leads to change in another variable. It shows the interdependency of the variables.

  1. Causal 

This type shows the cause and effect relationship between two or more variables.


Research hypothesis perform the following functions.

  • It is the starting point of investigation.
  • It verifies the already made
  • It gives direction to the inquiries


Its is evident from the following points.

Focus and direction

It provides a clear direction for research study. Furthermore it narrows down the investigations. The formation of hypothesis establishes coherence in research process and leads to meaningful results.

Objectivity and testability

They are testable statements which are supported through empirical evidences. It helps the researchers in providing framework to design research methods as well as apply systematic methods to collect data. Then that collected data is analyzed to draw conclusions about the population of the study.

Generation of knowledge

The researchers use it to create new knowledge, and test theories. In this way the researchers make contributions in adding to the existing body of knowledge.


it not only help in understanding of the conducted study but also replicate it to validate or disconfirm the results. Replication has the benefits of establishing validity and reliability of findings.

Prevents blind research

it helps in conducting a blind and unsystematic research.

Accuracy and precision

it clearly identify the what, who and when of the assumptions.

Provides answer to the question

it clearly provides answer to the question which is not yet given.

Proper data collection

the data collected on the basis of a clear hypothesis is proper.

Proper conclusion

it helps in reaching proper conclusion.


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