
How to improve your teaching skills: 19 best Tips

Teaching skills

Teaching is a profession as well as a responsible job. This profession requires skills in which one teaches and learns simultaneously. It is not age-bound. At the same time, the teaching profession is important because the future of the nation depends upon the teachers. It is because they turn the students’ minds into ordinary ones. So it is important for teachers to keep the students engaged in their studies.

Since teaching is not an easy task, therefore, it is required for them to improve their skills in teaching. These skills include understanding students, motivating them, and explaining different concepts to them. Furthermore, this profession requires the effective use of different teaching methods.

importance of good teaching skills

This is an era of evolution where different advanced teaching skills are required to deal with students. These advanced teaching skills help the teachers motivate the students to study effectively. Therefore, it is vital for the teachers to equip themselves with different teaching skills. These teaching skills enable them to deal effectively with students of different mental capacities. Additionally, it is required for the teachers to keep the students excited and engaged in spite of the topic being boring. This can be done by adopting effective teaching techniques.

importance of teaching skills

How to improve teaching skills?

In this era of the internet, teachers can use limitless ideas to improve their teaching skills. The teaching profession requires patience. At the same time, it requires that the teachers have subject knowledge along with strong communication and speaking skills. So it is important for the teachers to become students once again and learn all the skills that can make them effective in the classroom. Here are some of the tips which teachers can use to improve their skills of teaching.

1. Strengthen the subject matter knowledge

It is important that the teachers have knowledge of the latest developments in their subjects. For this purpose, they can use some strategies. For example, they can join some professional organizations for their subjects. Furthermore, they can enroll in a continuing education course. In the same way, they can refresh their lesson plans. This will help them remember the important concepts and key points.

subject matter knowledge

2. First, learn, then teach

The skill of teaching can be improved if teachers are willing to improve it. It is important for teachers to first learn the topic correctly. It is because when they have command over the topic, they will be able to effectively explain it.

3. Teach the topic in parts

It is important for the teachers to break information into smaller, more absorbable lectures. This will help the students first grasp the small pieces of information and then build large concepts. Otherwise, the students will neither learn nor retrieve the learned information.

4. Set clear classroom rules

It is vital for teachers to set clear and practical rules in the classroom. This will help in efficient management of the classroom and, ultimately, the smooth transfer of knowledge from teachers to students.

classroom rules

5. Use of latest technology

Technology has a great impact on the teaching skills of the teachers. With the help of technology different ideas can be presented in an effective way. The appropriate use of technology can prove effective tool of learning. Different teaching styles can be adopted with the help of technology.

use of technology

6. Understanding the students

As a teacher, it is important to understand the feelings of your students. It is important to know whether they agree with your teaching method or not. Furthermore, it is vital for teachers to know the names of their students.

7. Enhancing the creativity of the students

Some of the students learn better in a creative learning environment. So it is vital for the teachers to develop a creative learning environment so as to grasp the attention of the students.

8. Professional development

In spite of the level of motivation, it is important for a teacher to improve his or her teaching skills through professional development. It is because of professional developments, along with the improvement of teaching skills, that teachers receive other benefits as well. For example, teachers learn new strategies. Furthermore, they come to know how to control the classroom.

9. Reflection of one’s work

Self-reflection is an important technique to improve one’s teaching methods. It helps the teachers improve their teaching skills. For example, one can consider aspects of their teaching by addressing some questions, such as

What strategies worked, and what didn’t?

Did the students grasp the content?

Did I complete the outline of the subject?

Reflection on such questions helps teachers improve their teaching, which is ultimately beneficial for students.

10. Ask the PK questions

It is beneficial for the students to ask previous knowledge questions of them. It helps them and the teachers make connections with previous knowledge. Thus, continuity is established between the previous and new topics.

11. Examples should be engaging

The teachers should enhance their skills at engaging their students by making lessons enjoyable and exciting. For this purpose, they can use relevant examples for the topic. Furthermore, they can share their personal experiences with the students as well. If this doesn’t happen, you will lose the attention of the students.

12. Productive use of humor

It is very important for the teachers to keep the students motivated for the lesson. For this purpose, they can use humor as well. The use of humor will keep the students engaged and motivated. Otherwise, they will get fed up and start losing interest in the class.

13. Should have sufficient confidence

It is proven from the results of various research studies that the nervousness of teachers has a negative influence on the teaching and learning process. So it is very important for teachers to remain confident. Furthermore, they should remain calm and accept what they say. Teachers should develop eye-contact with the students.

14. Develop rapport with the students

It is important that teachers maintain a friendly environment in the class.  To this end, listen to the students. Consequently, teachers can change their teaching methods to meet the students’ mindset and their level. These steps facilitate the smooth transfer of knowledge from them to the students.

15. Use combination of writing board and explanation

It is beneficial for the teacher to strike a balance between the use of a writing board and the explanation of what they write on it. The use of facial expression and emotions can productively transfer their knowledge to the students. It is important to write only key points or headings on the board.

16. Impart general knowledge

For grasping the attention of the students, it is important to share some general knowledge with the students as well. It is not sufficient for the teachers to deliver the lectures only. They can share some information about the latest technological development with the students as well. This will keep them motivated for learning.

17. Time management

It is very important for the teachers to make good planning for teaching. It is vital because it facilitates the achievement of the objectives. Good planning helps them to transfer the knowledge to the students in the stipulated time. Similarly they can make planning for the curricular and co- curricular activities of the students.

18. Observe your peers

If you want to improve your teaching skills as a teacher, it is important to observe your peers as well. You can observe the teaching techniques of your colleagues. This can help you enhance your teaching skills.

19. Take feedback

The teachers can improve their teaching skills if they take feedback from the students. They can ask them whether they like a specific teaching method. Etc. In this way, they can modify their teaching techniques and smooth the transfer of knowledge to the students.







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