
Memory: Ways to improve it

ways to improve memory

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What is memory?

Memory is the organism’s ability to obtain information about its surroundings, process it, store it, and recall it when needed. It is a very important part of our cognition. This article discusses the concept of memory, its types and functions, and ways to improve it. There are three major categories of memory. These memory categories are sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

Memory categories

Memory categories are discussed below.

memory categories

  1. Sensory memory (SM)

The information that we get from our surroundings first enters our sensory memory. It is responsible for storing information that we get from our senses, like smell, sight, and sound. Sensory memory is the first stage from which all other memories start. Information that we constantly receive from our surroundings is stored first in the sensory memory, but most of the information does not remain in the memory and is replaced with new information. If a person focuses on any information, then focused information enters the short-term memory. The time limit of any sensory data is ¼ to ½ second. Similarly, there are different stores for the reach of the senses where the receiving information is stored, like touch is stored as a touch, taste is stored as a taste, and sound is stored as auditory.

Types of sensory memory

There are three types of sensory memory:

  • Echoic,
  • Eonic
  • Haptic.

Echoic is related to auditory, iconic can be acquired through sight; and the last one is haptic which is gain through touch. The second memory category is the short term memory.

  1. Short term memory (SMT)

As the name indicates, short term memory is the memory that stores the information about anything needed for a specific period. It is not a short-lived as sensory memory and not similar as long term memory, that why it is called an active or primary memory. Information stored in short term memory only lasts for around 30 second and there are seven to nine items that can be stored in short term memory. Research estimates that information can be stored in short term memory by repeating the information or rehearsing the information. Hence, when new information is coming prior data can be disremembered and these phenomena are called displacement. The last memory category is long-term memory.

short term memory

  1. Long-term memory (LTM)

As its name indicates long term memory means stores unlimited data for a long period of time. The duration and size of saving any information is infinite. The long term memory further divided into four sub types.

Functions of different categories of memory

Each types of memory have several functions and have its own importance. When someone read the newspaper, short-term memory allow to comprehend the information. On the other hand, long term memory is a treasure of information and its help to recall important facts and dates. It facilitates on how to do work, behave with others and how to engage our self with daily life activities.

Formation of memory

There are three different stages that are involved in the formation of memories.


Encoding is the first stage. It is a point from where external stimuli and information makes their way into the brain. These external stimuli and information can get through any of the five senses.


Similarly, storage is the second stage. It is a stage where any information that is acquired from the surrounding is stored in any types of memory like sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory.


The last and final stage that involved in the formation of memory is recall. It is the ability to retrieve the memory that is stored in sensory memory, short term memory or long term memory.

Ways to improve the memory

There are lots of people that have very poor mental condition. They have not the ability to recall and encode the stored information because of poor memories. So, there are numerous ways for improving the memory through which the process of encoding, storing and recalling data are more unified, these are as under.

Ways to improve memory

Exercise of mind:

There are several ways of mind exercise like activities and puzzles.

Mentally active:

Similarly there are various ways for keeping mind mentally active like reading interesting novels, newspapers, watching interesting programs etc.

Balanced diet:

Balance diet is very important for healthy mind so as to maintain the balance in eating, keep the mind active and healthy.

Take care of body:

Take care of body means use balanced diet, taking exercise regularly, sleep on time etc. These all steps will improve the health of brain that helps in the process and recalling of memories.

Avoid stress:

Taking stress will ruin the mental health and have negative impact on the memory. Sometimes people have lost their memories because of taking stress. So it is recommended that avoiding stress can improve the mental health of a person.

Manage health problems:

Concentrate on health problems and pay attention on resolving all health issues. There are lots of people who are mentally disturbed because of health issues. So if you manage health issues, it will improve mental ability.i






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