
6 Distinctive Methods of Quantitative research

Quantitative and Qualitative research approaches summarize the results either numerically or non- numerically. In methods of quantitative research, the results are summarized numerically. The quantitative research is classified non- experimental or experimental methods. In experimental research, the cause and effect relationship is determined. While in non-experimental research, the numbers are used for describing the preexisting groups. Or we find whether some relationship exist between the variables or not.

Quantitative research

Some of the concepts which are common to both qualitative and quantitative research  are important for understand. For example one concept of both qualitative and quantitative research is variable. Variable is defined as a characteristic or attribute that varies. There are certain elements of variables as well. For example, construct which is defined as a hypothetical concept that is cannot be directly observed.  For example intelligence which cannot be observed directly.

The other concept both qualitative and quantitative research is that of a sample which represents the subset of cases from a larger population. On other hand the concept of population in both qualitative and quantitative research is the entire group about which one is going to draw conclusions.

So after elaborating some of the key concepts both qualitative and quantitative research, let’s explain some of the important quantitative research methods.

Quantitative Research #1: Descriptive survey research:

Descriptive survey

The aim of descriptive survey research  is to describe the behaviors, and collect information about people’s perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes regarding current issue in any field. Numbers or percentages are for these descriptions. Such data is collected from people. It is a common misconception that survey method is easy method. But it is to be kept in mind that good survey requires considerate planning.

Planning starts with a clear broad research question. This broad research question is split into sub-question for the purpose in-depth data. These sub-questions are very specific and thus helps in developing the survey.

Quantitative Research #2:

Experimental Research

Experimental research

The other quantitative research design is Experimental research. This kind of research is conducted with the purpose of determining whether a specific approach is better as compared to a more traditional approach. For this purpose a sample is collected from the population. The members of the sample are then randomly assigned to two or more groups. Sometime some studies treat the same group at two different points in time. In both circumstances, the experimental conditions are called independent variables which are assumed to affect the dependent variable.

The other part of experimental research is the extraneous variable. It is a variable other than independent variable which may influence the dependent variable. There may be numerous extraneous variables such as gender, age, and environmental variables such as noise and lighting which may affect the dependent variable.

The independent variables are usually nominal or categorical in nature. On the other hand the dependent variables are continuous.

The other step is the development of hypothesis the base of which is the review of related literature. A hypothesis is the conjectural claim about the expected outcome of the study.

Quantitative Research #3:

Single- subject Research:

In this type of quantitative research the treatment effects are examined on a group of individuals or individuals. This type of research is specified with the teachers or professionals whose focus is on the special needs of the students.

There are two phases to conduct this kind of research. The first phase is that of baseline phase because the research collects many sets of data before implementing the treatment. The second phase is that of treatment phase. In this phase treatment is given and then comparison is made with the baseline phase and it is checked whether the treatment has made some effects on the behavior or not.

After some time, either the treatment is withdrawn or continued depending upon nature of treatment, child, and behavior.

Quantitative Research #4:

Causal – Comparative Research

The type of quantitative research approach is non-experimental which is also called Ex-post facto research. It explains the differences in groups through examining differences in experiences of group members. In this research, the effect of independent variable (past experience) is examined on dependent variable at the same trying to control the extraneous variables. In this this type of research the independent variable (past experience) has already occurred and hence the researcher has no control over it.

Quantitative Research #5:

Correlational Research

correlational Research

Another non-experimental quantitative research approach is correlational research. In this type of research the relationship between two or more variables is determined. It is examined that whether the examined variables are related and if so, then the direction as well as magnitude of relationship is determined. The strength and direction of relationship is explained through the correlation coefficient which ranges from minus 1 to positive 1.

Quantitative Research #6:


In this type of quantitative research approach, no new data is collected by the researcher to answer the research question. Rather he/ she summarize the results of other research studies and on the basis of their analysis, make conclusions regarding research questions.

In meta-analysis, a research question is asked and the data of past research studies are used to answer the research question. Through the use of suitable statistical analysis, the data is reanalyzed and a typical result called “Effect size” is reported.




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