
Mixed methods research: 6 Types and Techniques

Mixed-methods research

This article discusses the Mixed methods research: six types and techniques. It is important to first discuss the mixed research methodology. So it integrates the qualitative and quantitative features of proposing a solution to a research problem. This method is suitable when the variables of the research have both quantitative and qualitative characteristics. This type of research produces trustworthy research findings.

There are different situations in which we use mixed-methods research. For example, this combination of both methods leads to comprehensive findings as compared to the use of one method alone. Secondly, when the researcher wants different perspectives on the research questions and wants to identify unexpected research findings, Thirdly, when the researcher wants to validate the research findings of one method with another method.

Mixed methods research: 6 Types, advantages, and Techniques of integrating data

Mixed Methods research

This portion describes the 6 types of mixed-methods research, its’ advantages, and techniques of integrating data. All the subtopics are discussed one by one.

6 Types of mixed-methods research

There are 6 types of mixed-methods research. They are classified on the basis of…

  • Aims of research
  • Data collection timing
  • Importance given to each data type

1. embedded or nested


In mixed research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative data are collected simultaneously. One data set in this situation will play a supportive role in research based on the primary data type. This type is used when resources are scarce or we are short on time. For instance, quantitative actions are excellent for recording the results of experiments, and qualitative actions are better for determining the perceptions of participants about the experience of the experiment.

2. Explanatory sequential


First, the quantitative data is collected and analyzed, and second, the qualitative data is collected and analyzed. Here, such problems are explored, and it is believed that the qualitative data will further explain the quantitative analysis.

For example, in the first step, one can explore the effect of parental aggression on the personalities of students, and in the second step, qualitative data regarding parental aggression will be collected and analyzed to see its effect on the personalities of the children. Based on qualitative data analysis, one can see the effects on various factors of personality.

3. Exploratory sequential


In this type of mixed research methodology, first the researcher examines the qualitative data, and then the quantitative data is collected and analyzed. With the help of this method, research problems and hypotheses are formulated. When a hypothesis is developed, then quantitative methods are used for validation of qualitative conclusions.

4. Convergent Parallel

In this type of research, both qualitative and quantitative research data are collected simultaneously. Then the data is analyzed separately. In the last stage, the respective conclusions of both qualitative and quantitative data are compared with the general conclusion.

5. Transformative sequential

In this type, either qualitative or quantitative data is first collected and analyzed, and the results are interpreted in the interpretation phase. The purpose of transformative sequential type is the employment of the methods that best serve a theoretical perspective.

6. Concurrent triangulation

In this type of study, the data collection is concurrent, and two methods are used to confirm, cross-validate, or corroborate the findings. The purpose here is to overcome the weakness of one method with the strengths of another method.

What are the advantages of mixed-methods research?


The various advantages of mixed-methods research are discussed below.

Win-win scenario

The use of mixed-methods research ensures the generalizability of the results. It is because both quantitative and qualitative methods are used at an advantageous level.

The scope of the study is expanded

A variety of research methods are used, which leads to more discoveries beyond the basic research problem. It is because the subject matter is expanded through the use of mixed methods.

Flexibility in research problems

In this type of research, more elements of the research problem are created for more comprehensive conclusions.


The researcher clarifies and validates the results of one method with those of another method simultaneously, thus creating a solid foundation for drawing conclusions.


The different components of a research problem can be explored with different methods. For example, the qualitative data can be effectively used to augment the outcomes of a quantitative study. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and analyzed.


In this method, the reflection of the point of view of the participants conveys a message about their needs and ways of addressing them and implementing changes.

Disadvantages of mixed-methods research

Mixed-methods research involves many obstacles.

  1. Mixed-methods research requires more resources and more work to implement the qualitative and quantitative parts of the research.
  2. This type of research requires more skills in both qualitative and quantitative research, which is usually a difficult task.
  3. Sometimes the results may be contrasting, which may pose the problem of generalizing the results.

Techniques for integrating data in mixed-method studies

Three different techniques are used to integrate data in mixed-methods research

  • Triangulation protocol,
  • Following a thread and
  • Mixed-methods matrix

Triangulation protocol

In this technique, different methods with differing results are combined to generate one unified answer.

Following a thread

In this technique, the researcher uses the same idea from one method of data collection to another. Here, the thread starts with the collection of quantitative data on an issue, followed by the collection of qualitative data for the explanation of the results. This helps in the identification of conflicting information.

Mixed-methods matrix

In this technique, different types of mixed-methods research designs are visually presented to the researchers. It helps them quickly assess and adjust their required research design. Different boxes related to the different types of mixed-methods research designs are comprised by the matrix from which the researchers select the different combinations.



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