
Motivational quotes

Motivational quotes are universal quotes that express encouragement and wisdom. This article discusses the crux of motivational quotes, defines the term, and presents one sample motivational quote. It expresses the importance of politeness along with the presence of knowledge in a person. This quote elaborates on the importance of humility. It expresses that if there is no humility in the personality of an individual, then the increase in information does not indicate knowledge; rather, it inculcates arrogance in a person. So it is necessary that a person adopt humility. It is because humility can become a source of benefit for other people.


motivational quote

شخصیت میں عاجزی نہ ہوتو معلومات میں اضافہ علم کو نہیں بلکہ تکبر کو جنم دیتا ہے

John dewey

Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. John Dewy

alone on right path

accepting mistakes

اپنی غلطی تسلیم کرنا دراصل خود کو انسان ماننا ہے کیوں کے وہ صرف شیطان ہے جس نے آج تک اپنی غلطی تسلیم نہیں کی

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