

Social science is the branch of science that studies how people interact with each other. There are eight branches of social sciences, which include anthropology, education, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, geography, and history. This article discusses the nature, scope, and importance of the social sciences.

Social scientists do research on how people interact with each other. They explore the causes of certain behaviors of people in society and the causes of those behaviors. Then they inform policymakers, educators, and market experts to take appropriate measures.

The nature of social sciences

The nature of the social sciences can be understood by analyzing the discipline.

  1. It is a combination of various subjects

The subject of social science is a combination of various subjects. Although it is a separate subject, yet it is a blend of various subjects, such as

Law and economics,

Political science and History

Education and psychology

Sociology and psychology, etc

  1. True course of studies

For the learners, there are realistic courses of study available. Social problems, social phenomena, and social processes are discussed in the social sciences. The discussion of these aspects initiates more solutions such as cooperation, precision, commitment, interdependence, loyalty, etc.

  1. A study of human relationships

The subject of social science studies the relationship of man with other human beings and his environment. In this relationship, he studies the different issues and their possible solutions.

  1. It is an important part of curriculum

The subject of social sciences is usually a part of other core subjects, and it is even a part of the study of those students who opt for specialized subjects such as engineering, science, and mathematics.

  1. It includes commitment to action

The subject of social sciences empowers every learner to know the process of being a well-informed person, to be a well-informed individual, and to use knowledge by actively participating in the affairs of society.

  1. It is a study of man’s growth across ages

The subject of social sciences studies the growth of man across ages and tries to answer the following questions:

When and why has the protagonist failed in his attempts?

How have humans succeeded in each period? Etc

  1. Prepare humans for practical social living

The subject of social sciences helps humans in their social, emotional, and intellectual development. After learning the knowledge, humans try to apply that knowledge in real-world situations.

Scope of social sciences

The social sciences study the numerous aspects of society, their behavior, and their interactions. Its scope is very vast and includes many areas and subjects, such as…

Scope of social sciences


In this subject, the structure and function of societies are discussed. It includes topics such as family, education, religion, government, social change, influence of culture on humans, etc.

Scope of Social Sciences and Psychology:

The focus of psychology is on the study of the human mind and its behavior. This subject explores different areas such as human personality, their abnormal behavior, the process of cognition, emotional regulation, and the biological basis of behavior. One branch of education tries to explore material about human learning, their cognition, their overall development, individual differences, motivation, memory, forgetting, and transfer of learning, etc.

Scope of social sciences and Economics

The focus of economics is on the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities. The main subjects of economics are Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, monitoring economics, etc.

 Political Science

The subject of political science studies the different political systems and structures of governments, along with international relations. Topics such as diplomacy, governance, elections, and public policy are discussed in this subject.

Scope of social sciences and Anthropology

Cultures, societies, and behaviors of the present as well as the past are discussed in the subject of anthropology. Its subbranches are cultural anthropology, archeology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology.

Scope of social sciences and Education

Education is also one of the important subjects of the social sciences. The focus of this subject is the theories of learning, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and evaluation, educational policies, etc.


This subject covers areas such as the causes of crimes, their consequences, and ways to prevent them. Its sub-branches are criminal behavior, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system.

Social work

In this subject, the knowledge of various subjects of the social sciences is combined and social issues are addressed. In this way, support is provided and the well-being of individuals and communities is promoted.


This subject encompasses human geography and physical geography. It studies the spatial distribution of population, resources, and the environment.

Gender studies

This subject is also included in the scope of the social sciences. This subject studies gender and sexuality-related roles, expectations, and inequalities.

Interdisciplinary studies

Some of the subjects, such as political ecology, social neuroscience, and economic history, have emerged due to the overlapping of many social sciences with each other and with other subjects.

Social sciences and its importance

  1. The social sciences have immense importance around the world. Social science is important not only for our present but also for our future. Social scientists such as economists can help the world understand the economic crisis and help us make decisions regarding it. In this way, this subject will enable us to feel empowered to act for ourselves.
  2. The social scientist helps us to make sure that our health, leisure, and social care services are available to the common masses at door steps.
  3. Making the work interesting and engaging for us is the duty of a social scientist. They have to explain that social science is important for us. The social scientists are active listeners to people. For example, psychologists listen carefully to the issues of people and suggest solutions to their physical and psychological problems.
  4. Education, as one of the important subjects of the social sciences, makes an effort to enhance the capacity of children. It helps the parents cater to their children in a healthy way. It trains the parents to carefully listen to the problems of their children and, as much as possible, solve those problems.

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