
Overview of Progressivism


Progressivism stands as a distinct student-focused educational philosophy. Anchored in practicality, its core objective is to engage students in tangible problem-solving tasks within a collaborative and democratic learning space. To tackle these challenges, students employ the scientific method, ensuring they remain actively involved in their learning while adopting pragmatic solutions to genuine world issues.

Emerging in the mid-1920s, its influence on education remained potent until the mid-1950s. Its enduring appeal can be attributed to its foundational belief that education has the power to enhance society. By linking students to actual problem-solving situations, it was perceived as an image of democracy in action.

Principles of progressivism

The teaching philosophy of progressivism stresses certain essential principles. They are discussed below.

Emphasizing Natural Growth and Development

This philosophy considers that students should self-regulate their conduct, seeing the larger community’s needs rather than firm rules. Hence, it gives emphasis to nurturing an atmosphere where students have sufficient chances for self-expression, creativity, and access to varied learning materials.

Prioritizing Interest as the Core of Learning

The progressivism teaching philosophy postulates that learning should be focused on interest. It can be nurtured through uninterrupted experiences with the world, practical uses of learned information, and an awareness of one’s endeavors.

Role of the Teacher:

A Helper, Not a Dictator, teachers in the progressive background is seen as guides rather than enforcers. Aditionally, they must promise to progressivism’s doctrines, encouraging creativeness and enterprise. In this way, such educators rank experiential learning, reassuring students to involve all intellects and motive from diverse information sources. Here, they stress smaller class size, especially during initial years.

Emphasis on Holistic Student Development:

Progressivism teaching philosophy promotes complete school records, not just academic marks. These records reflect students’ physical, intellectual, ethical, and social development to inform personalized teaching methods and highlight individual development over only subject learning.

Focus on Physical Development and Well-being:

A major apprehension of this philosophy is student’s healthiness. The healthiness encompass that teaching classes should be open, well-lit, aired, and carefully integrated with nature. Additionally, well-ordered physical activities in suitable playgrounds are indispensable. Hence, the teachers vigorously observing students’ health in association with their families.

Collaboration of School and Home for Holistic Child Development:

This philosophy stresses the joint responsibility of schools and homes to cater to the varied interests and activities of children. Specifically it is importat during their formative years. Such a nurturing environment can only be achieved through a synergy between educators and parents.

Progressive Schools as Pioneers in Education:

Progressive schools, in line with the progressivism teaching philosophy, should be at the forefront of innovative educational practices. They should be open spaces for testing novel ideas. In this way it will ensure a blend of time-tested methods with modern insights to enrich the educational landscape.



Within the progressivism philosophy, teachers are seen more as facilitators than traditional instructors in the learning environment. Therefore, their role is to guide and direct student learning. It is ensured that the voice of the student is as pivotal as the teacher’s own voice. This foundational belief of progressivism often makes progressive education synonymous with student-centered teaching.

However, to empower students in discovering and expressing their own perspectives, teachers within the progressivism philosophy adopt a guiding approach. Hence, they emphasize “teaching students how to learn” aiding students in improving skills crucial for comprehending and assimilating content.

Indeed, successful implementation of this approach requires the teacher to be a collaborative partner. In this partnership, both teacher and student collaboratively decide on learning topics. For this purpose, they always keeping in mind the essential outcomes. Hence, the progressivism philosophy underscores that a primary goal of this collaboration is to instill in students the principles of a democratic society.

Considering, the key instructional techniques supported by teachers adhering to the progressivism philosophy include:

  • Facilitating discovery and fostering self-directed learning
  • Ensuring students are actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Prioritizing teacher-student collaboration.

The Essence of Progressivism in Education:

Progressivism in education revolves around a student-centered approach. This educational philosophy, deeply rooted in pragmatism, accentuates the importance of students learning from real-life experiences. It is ensured that they are active participants in their learning journey. Hence, such an approach not only emphasizes experiential learning but also creates a vibrant atmosphere of curiosity and discovery.

Here are some key reasons why progressivism remains a keystone in the educational field:

Active Engagement in Learning:

Progressivism pushes students to be at the helm of their learning practices. Besides, it boosts them to dump deep in their interests, extract new visions, and analytically examine the knowledge they come upon.

Stimulating Creativity:

At the core of progressivism lies the passion to raise creativity. In particular, students are encouraged to freely express their views, play around with new concepts, and think further than conventional boundaries.

Nurturing Independent Thought Process:

Progressivism targets to equip students with the ability to think autonomously. By introducing them to an excess of perspectives, it pushes them to shape out their own opinions and perspectives.

Encouraging Social Relations:

A durable stress is laid on the power of human networks. Hence, team activities and group communications are thought vital, paving the way for a comprehensive learning experience.

Encouraging personalized learning:

The progressivism philosophy suggests the personalized teaching methods because of the uniqueness of every student. Therefore, it is made sure that the learning mission of each student for achievement is met through such methods.

Approving democratic standards:

The spirit of democracy in education is infused by progressivism. More importantly, it empowers the students to make decisions regarding their academics and cultivation of civic duty.

Assurance of lifelong learning:

According to progressivism, learning is a lifelong journey. So it fills the passion in students to get knowledge and prepare them for facing the practical problems of life.

Applying progressivism in classrooms:

The following paragraphs highlight the aspects of using progressivism in classrooms.

Students’ needs are prioritized:

Education is shaped for catering the needs of every student and it helps them to decide on their own self about their academic career.

Supporting discovery learning:

Progressivism pay emphasis on the self- exploration and thus students are provided with opportunities for satisfying their curiosity.

Promoting cooperative learning:

This philosophy promotes the positive competition among the students thus enabling them to cooperate on the projects among each other and thus learn from each other.

Probing into experiential learning:

This philosophy exposes the students to practical life problems and their solutions. In this way they enhance their learning experiences and expand their prospects.








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