
Study for 12 hours a day: A Suggested Schedule

study schedule

Every student has a desire to achieve excellence and academic success, for which they study hard for long hours a day under a well-structured schedule. They develop valuable study techniques to reach their dream. A careful schedule for studying 12 hours a day is a good strategy to keep focus, cherish a strong work-life balance, whether preparing for exams or wanting to boost their knowledge. A study schedule for 12 hours a day needs cautious planning and reflection of one’s own preferences and energy levels.


To fulfill specific needs, here are some suggestions from us to schedule 12 hours of study:

Mourning schedule

5:00 AM – 6:00 AM:

Wake up, fresh up

Pray, and recite some verses from your holy book.

6:00 AM–7:00 AM:

Go for morning walk and do some light physical exercise to boost up you

Take a healthy breakfast

Session 1 for Study

7:00AM – 9:00 AM:

Take a start with a hard topic or tough subject while in the morning your mind is fresh.

Take 5–10 minutes of breaks every hour to rest and stretch.


9:00AM – 9:30 AM:

Take a break to relax your mind and body

Do short walk outside study room

Take a healthy snack

Session 2 for Study

9:30 AM-11:30 AM

Continue your previous study or focus on another subject

Use learning techniques like summarizing, teaching, or solving problems.


11:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Refresh your mind to take a break by taking breathing exercises

Session 3 for Study

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Evaluate your earlier study session by making flashcards and mind map.

Lunch Break

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Take a healthy and enjoyable lunch

Do an activity to fresh your mind or walk shortly

Session 4 for Study

2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Start study with a new subject or topic

Use multisource for knowledgeable learning like online tutorials, videos, lectures or textbooks


4:00 pm-4:30 PM

Refresh your vigor by doing any activity, listening music

Take a nutritious food

Session 5 for Study

4:30 PM-6:30 PM

Work on your task or project

Work with classmates or groups for some discussion

Dinner break

6:30 PM-7:30 PM

To replenish body have a neutral diet in dinner

Light exercise and short walk after dinner is good for healthy mind

Session 6 for Study

7:30 PM-9:30 PM

All the learned topics must be revised and evaluated.

Find out the weak points needs to be restudied.


9:30 PM-10:00 PM

Take a short break to let go further and chill out

To keep away you from sleep trouble avoid usage of electronic device

Night Rest

10:00 pm-6:00 AM

To make body unsullied and relax take 7-8 hours nap without disruption


Before starting studies 12 hours a day students confused whether 12 hours study is possible or successful for them. The answer expected in both yes or no because many dynamic are implicated. These Possibilities depend on students’ potential and control. Let’s go through some guidelines to help maximize efficiency and retain information throughout unlimited study session.

Be realistic

Study of 12 hours a day during profound workload or future examination it’s not possible for everyone to keep focus for such a long time. To handle the situation be realistic, believe the excellence of study session, comparatively than just the quantity of hours depleted.

Short and valuable study session

Consider the capabilities and limitations of students it’s better to schedule short and valuable study sessions that gave fruitful results. Regular breaks also necessary to boost up mind that help to retain information and get specific goals. Proper sleep and self-care is too essential throughout this intense phase of learning without it capacity to concentrate will suffer so unsustainable routine must be avoided.

Study with Concentration

study with concentration

Keep up concentration is essential during studying for long hours. Spending unlimited time of studying lead the students towards abstracted or loses focus. On the other hand by using some strategies and techniques, students’ abilities can be improved to study for long hours with concentration. Choose a calm and relaxed place for study where you cont be disturbed. Keep away gadgets from studies.

Build a comprehensive learning plan

Build a comprehensive learning plan that deal out specific time chunk for various subjects or area. Break down study hours into controllable chunk, and comprise dumpy crack in linking to respite and invigorate.

Place understandable objective

Identify comprehensible and reachable goals for all study session. A purposeful objective and well define direction keep the student on track and provoked for productive study hours.

Deal tricky topics first

Challenging or hard subjects or topics must be kept on priority bases as in the starting session mind remain fresh and energetic. So at the beginning of study session it’s painless to grasp and retain information.

Use active learning techniques


active learning techniquesUse active learning techniques like summarizing, new teaching concept, or using flashcards. Active learning develops understanding and reminiscence retention.

Get standard crack

Integrate 5–10 minutes of short breaks every hour to keep your mind refreshed. Utilize this time to walk short, stretch, or do profound inhalation drills to invigorate attentiveness

Nourish with healthy food and stay hydrated

Eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink pure water to sustain energy levels and support brain function. Stay away from caffeine or sugary food, and drink that worn-out energy.

The best time and place for study

The best time and place for study vary from individual to individual. Several humans are early birds, while others are night owls. Studying in the morning means studying with fresh minds and retaining information with full concentration. On the other hand, night owls prefer to study at night because everything remains calm and free from distraction.

Study environment

Environment counts a lot for the best study, as some students need silence during study while others prefer backdrop sounds or melodies to facilitate their concentration.


Studying 12 hours a day may perhaps appear daunting at first because every student’s capabilities are different from each other. Each student needs different strategies, techniques, timing, and learning style. A conducive, distraction free environment and a quiet place are helpful for concentrating fully on studies. Additionally, regular breaks and short physical activities also make it easy to return to studies.

By following these instructions and mounting a good-quality learning routine over time, studying for long periods will become more controllable while maximizing efficiency and achieving studious achievement. So embrace the challenge of studying 12 hours a day if it fits the goals with devotion, firmness, and appropriate arrangement, carry out enormous equipment in the learning journey.






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